Monday, April 6, 2009

Sacred Circles

We will begin a journey with you of embracing your sacredness in the intimacy of a small group. Experience SACRED SELF, SACRED CHOICES, SACRED CREATIONS, and SACRED RELATIONSHIPS.

SACRED SELF- Become anchored in the truth of your being and the miracle of you from which everything arises.

SACRED CHOICES- Clearly align with your essence and inner knowing to make conscious and inspired choices.

SACRED CREATIONS- Embrace infinite possibilities and co-create the life of your dreams as you embody your gifts and unique abilities.

SACRED RELATIONSHIPS- Create more intimacy with others and knowledge of yourself through relationship.

The four 1 1/2 hour calls will focus on conversations of discovery interspersed generously with coaching exercises, visualizations, and sometimes interactive experiences. Exploration between calls will enhance the process.
Let us know your interest and we will begin another four week series.

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