Friday, April 17, 2009

Stepping Stones To Happiness

A dear friend commented that he loved our name Sacred Bridges and he loved Stepping Stones To Happiness but it felt like a mixed metaphor. Hence, our name seems a perfect topic for our first blog.

Picture yourself standing in your life as it is right now,on one side of a sacred bridge. What does your life look like as you stand in it? Maybe it is quite good and you are successful but your soul yearns for something more. Maybe you feel overwhelmed with all you have to do and the busyness packed into each day. Possibly there is fear of the future and of having enough, or just a desire for more freedom. Maybe you simply want to create a legacy and do not want to leave this life with your music still inside you. Is it that you crave more intimacy or depth in your day to day interactions? Whatever your unique circumstance ,as you stand in your life right here, right now, what is it that you expect in the future? What is it you would like to be crossing the bridge to? The answer to these two questions will determine what your individual stepping stones will be.

This blog will focus on the stepping stones we take as we cross this bridge into a new, higher life. A life of more love, more joy, more personal power and more meaning. We will cover what to do about the potholes we encounter on the way and ways to replenish ourselves on this journey. Our journey involves reconnecting and coming home to a part of ourselves which got lost along our way. It is a coming home to the divine being that we already are. We can not come from the divine and not be of the divine.

Nancy and I have respectively been on a lifelong journey of growth and spirituality. Embracing my wholeness, allowing God to flow through me,and connecting with my higher self and divinity has led me to such deep and beautiful connections with others, to living a life of purpose and freedom and to finally experiencng inner peace and happiness. My journey is far from over but I am passionate about sharing all I have learned with you and about being in the energy of this sacred community. Welcome to our blog and to our community! We would love to hear from you!

Marian Heaton


  1. Congratulations on your blog launch. You are indeed taking a step towards happiness and sharing the divine lights that you are.

    The image these two phrases present to me and the answer to the question "What is it you would like to be crossing the bridge to?" is a path of stepping stones (and potholes) leading to the sacred bridge over which our own shining divine self awaits us. Holding this image of divinity draws me along the path. I like "It is a coming home to the divine being that we already are."

    I look forward to taking the steps with you as you share them in your blog.

    Jane Mutti

  2. How beautiful Marian and Nancy! I am so thrilled for you! The colors here feel soooooo good ... the energy is wonderful!

    And the name is delightful ... Sacred Bridges is a beautiful metaphor and, for me, the words "stepping stones to happiness" conjure up the very same feeling. I envision the type of gorgeous natural bridge which consists of variegated stones so for me it is the perfect fit!

    Feels good to be here. Thank you for sharing your blog with us!

    Big hugs,

  3. Jane and Col, Thank you both for your encouraging comments. Marian and I are thrilled to be gathering friends along the way as we all come to further embrace our destiny. The path is beautiful, don't you think? and the company is Divine. Here is a thought to take us on our way:

    In each of us is paradise—the unwavering, constant experience of bliss and sacredness.

    Blessings, Nancy
