Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Choosing To Be Happy

I attempted to attend a presentation tonight in Tucson titled The Happiness Revolution. So many folks showed up that half were turned away. My husband Larry, dear friend Maureen and I still had a wonderful evening of frozen yogurt, deep conversation, warm summer breezes and music playing close by.It was relatively easy to salvage the evening.

Three weeks ago however, my husband experienced a serious injury at work. When delivering a package, a dog came out of the front of the house through a doggy door at full speed. As Larry ran from the dog also at full speed, he fell, resulting in two surgeries, a full leg cast for 6 weeks, to be followed by 6 months of rehabilitation. Larry let himself feel his sadness and loss and even some anger but he made a decision to find the gifts that were hidden in the experience.

My husband, mind you, is a serious athlete, and an avid bike rider averaging 250 miles per week on his bike. He has amazed me in these 3 weeks, staying positive through each challenge. He has spent time reading books he normally would not have time for, wheeling his chair around the block each morning and evening,getting to know the neighbors more closely,eating healthy to lose 15 lbs.that had sneaked up on him,listening to inspirational tapes and having more intimate time with me. Because he is home so much he has used the time to have repairmen come and fix that list of things that got pushed aside over the years.
Many blessings have shown up in these 3 weeks for Larry along with the losses.

We always have a choice to either resist,what is and create that push back, "What you resist persists" or flow with what is and see what shows up. My husband made a choice on Day 1, in the emergency room, to get curious and discover new ways to find happiness. Happiness comes from within and is always available. Larry is modeling this by consciously choosing and creating value from chaos. He is my inspiration and a wonderful model for his children!

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