Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happyness Hour

Marian and I are thrilled to be offering our


This month our topic is From Fear to Joy in 9 Steps

Wednesday, October 14th, 5:00 pm PT or
Tuesday, October 20th, 10:00 am PT

Call 712.451.6050 code 556392#

Hope you can join.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Albert Einstein
A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

When I read this quote, my soul recognizes truth and there is a tingling, a sense of knowing, that coming home, to what is true, feeling. I think back to times in my life when I felt outside the circle looking in. In high school of course there were the popular kids, who knew how to be witty, what to say; they wore fashionable store bought clothes while I wore home made clothes from fabric on sale at Sparks, an east coast discount store. My separation, as I look back, was self induced. I believed that I did not fit in, and I helped create and reinforce that thought. There were many instances in my life when I did that. As I had a thought of being separate, not good enough, I then removed myself from the circle and created separation.

I have come a long way in my journey and have aligned myself with who I truly am, with my beauty and my inner strength. As I stand firmly in this belief I see it reflected back to me in my life in every area.

I see beautiful people with such light and so want for them to see themselves more clearly, to end the pain and separation and step fully into their light. Where in your life do you create separation? Where do you need to step aside, get out of your own way, and allow your beauty to shine?

In Love and Light,

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Choosing To Be Happy

I attempted to attend a presentation tonight in Tucson titled The Happiness Revolution. So many folks showed up that half were turned away. My husband Larry, dear friend Maureen and I still had a wonderful evening of frozen yogurt, deep conversation, warm summer breezes and music playing close by.It was relatively easy to salvage the evening.

Three weeks ago however, my husband experienced a serious injury at work. When delivering a package, a dog came out of the front of the house through a doggy door at full speed. As Larry ran from the dog also at full speed, he fell, resulting in two surgeries, a full leg cast for 6 weeks, to be followed by 6 months of rehabilitation. Larry let himself feel his sadness and loss and even some anger but he made a decision to find the gifts that were hidden in the experience.

My husband, mind you, is a serious athlete, and an avid bike rider averaging 250 miles per week on his bike. He has amazed me in these 3 weeks, staying positive through each challenge. He has spent time reading books he normally would not have time for, wheeling his chair around the block each morning and evening,getting to know the neighbors more closely,eating healthy to lose 15 lbs.that had sneaked up on him,listening to inspirational tapes and having more intimate time with me. Because he is home so much he has used the time to have repairmen come and fix that list of things that got pushed aside over the years.
Many blessings have shown up in these 3 weeks for Larry along with the losses.

We always have a choice to either resist,what is and create that push back, "What you resist persists" or flow with what is and see what shows up. My husband made a choice on Day 1, in the emergency room, to get curious and discover new ways to find happiness. Happiness comes from within and is always available. Larry is modeling this by consciously choosing and creating value from chaos. He is my inspiration and a wonderful model for his children!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I opened a journal from 2007 this morning and there was this dream: I am so happy. I am happiness. Doesn't matter where I am, I am happy. For weeks and weeks, I am happy.

This is actually possible for all of us. That dream is a more lived reality today then even in 2007.

What would it be like for you and the people you love to be so happy?

May joy be yours, Nancy

Friday, April 17, 2009

Stepping Stones To Happiness

A dear friend commented that he loved our name Sacred Bridges and he loved Stepping Stones To Happiness but it felt like a mixed metaphor. Hence, our name seems a perfect topic for our first blog.

Picture yourself standing in your life as it is right now,on one side of a sacred bridge. What does your life look like as you stand in it? Maybe it is quite good and you are successful but your soul yearns for something more. Maybe you feel overwhelmed with all you have to do and the busyness packed into each day. Possibly there is fear of the future and of having enough, or just a desire for more freedom. Maybe you simply want to create a legacy and do not want to leave this life with your music still inside you. Is it that you crave more intimacy or depth in your day to day interactions? Whatever your unique circumstance ,as you stand in your life right here, right now, what is it that you expect in the future? What is it you would like to be crossing the bridge to? The answer to these two questions will determine what your individual stepping stones will be.

This blog will focus on the stepping stones we take as we cross this bridge into a new, higher life. A life of more love, more joy, more personal power and more meaning. We will cover what to do about the potholes we encounter on the way and ways to replenish ourselves on this journey. Our journey involves reconnecting and coming home to a part of ourselves which got lost along our way. It is a coming home to the divine being that we already are. We can not come from the divine and not be of the divine.

Nancy and I have respectively been on a lifelong journey of growth and spirituality. Embracing my wholeness, allowing God to flow through me,and connecting with my higher self and divinity has led me to such deep and beautiful connections with others, to living a life of purpose and freedom and to finally experiencng inner peace and happiness. My journey is far from over but I am passionate about sharing all I have learned with you and about being in the energy of this sacred community. Welcome to our blog and to our community! We would love to hear from you!

Marian Heaton

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sacred Circles

We will begin a journey with you of embracing your sacredness in the intimacy of a small group. Experience SACRED SELF, SACRED CHOICES, SACRED CREATIONS, and SACRED RELATIONSHIPS.

SACRED SELF- Become anchored in the truth of your being and the miracle of you from which everything arises.

SACRED CHOICES- Clearly align with your essence and inner knowing to make conscious and inspired choices.

SACRED CREATIONS- Embrace infinite possibilities and co-create the life of your dreams as you embody your gifts and unique abilities.

SACRED RELATIONSHIPS- Create more intimacy with others and knowledge of yourself through relationship.

The four 1 1/2 hour calls will focus on conversations of discovery interspersed generously with coaching exercises, visualizations, and sometimes interactive experiences. Exploration between calls will enhance the process.
Let us know your interest and we will begin another four week series.

Group Coaching Program

Join a powerful group experience of coaching and learning.

You and two other people will meet with two experienced Coaches and Leadership graduates. Each coaching session lasts one hour, three times per month. Each person is coached for approximately 20 minutes by Marian and Nancy.

We invite you to cross the sacred bridge to happiness.

Individual Coaching Program

Nancy and Marian are available for extraordinary individual coaching.

Marian Heaton: marianheat@comcast.net

Nancy Smyth: nancyis@theriver.com

Nancy Smyth

Nancy Smyth attained the designation of Master Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation. As a master coach, leadership graduate, public speaker, meditation teacher and author she values sharing principles of peace and extraordinary power with those she serves.

Desiring to offer the best as a professional, she was delighted to read Leadership and Self-Deception in 2001. As she experienced greater understanding about herself in relationship, she was drawn to study Arbinger's philosophy in-depth. Arbinger's principles help make the transformations she and her clients yearn for.

Her clients include individuals, couples, parents, entrepreneurs, as well as fortune 500 organizations. Nancy's international contributions include program design and delivery, as well as coaching initiatives for organizations wanting to offer their best.

To carry the precious gift of peace to yearning hearts is the fulfillment of her journey.

Marian Heaton

Marian Heaton, a graduate of ICF Coaches Training Institute, is an international leadership coach, workshop facilitator and inspiring speaker who partners with clients committed to creating deep meaning and joy in their personal and business life. She is passionate about empowering individuals to shine their light brightly and live life to it's fullest. Shinning fully is our natural state.

In 1990 Marian founded and directed the company, Bridging Possibilities. She came into the coaching industry with an extensive background in neuroscience and holistic wellness. She is a certified holistic neuro-developmental specialist and a licensed Occupational Therapist.

Marian believes in discovering and embracing the unique talents and gifts we all have been given. Her passion is in reconnecting humanity to their divinity.